Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Football expert ??

The only bright spark came through this afternoon was the performance of Little Shilling, who has completed a five timer in the space of a fortnight and proved he is as effective over fences.
Stayed for the Kempton's evening racing cause i
have promised a newbie to show him the basic
trading techniques.The horse trades were a disaster,however, i managed to demonstrate to him on how to green up the book with the help of the football match between Watford and Tottenham spurs. i laid Watford after it had scored an early goal. I was quite confidence Spurs can at least get a draw as i couldn't see Watford capable of scoring another goal. Luckily, Spurs scored a penalty just before half time and i greened up immediately.
Hooray !! Football trading is so easy :-)


leonthefixer said...

I see on a few P&L's you have some small losses or profits on Greyhounds - do you do a little before the off trading on them or is it just a few small punts?

All the best.

Mr Wong In-Running Trading Blog said...

Hi Leon,
The dogs bets are fun bet,so i can shout come on trap 1,,come on trap 1,,,,,,,

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