Thursday, 20 November 2008

A bad day !!

Nothing to say really,just one of those days !!
Hope i will have better luck tomorrow.
Anyway, need to study saturday's scoop six races now as i have formed a syndicate with friends trying to get that £4 million pot.Fingers cross :-)


lukep13 said...

Hey Mr Wong,

If you can help and perhaps answer here or email your tips please

I started in place betting using at the races coverage which is delayed.

First day was great made 150 quid profit, but then 2nd and 3rd day i was down couldnt just read the races..Of course the race coverage is delayed would you have any tips or suggestion when to place a bet for in place, bearing in mind at the races coverage is delayed. Would it be halfway through the race, would you bet on whoever is first place during that time? Thx

If i came from Dublin on one of the days Monday, Tuesday, would you be able to show me the basics?!

Mr Wong In-Running Trading Blog said...

Hi Luke,
you are wellcome to highgate any time during the week.and my fellow traders(the place market specialists) will be more then happy to answer your,gruss setup,horses to note,the right time to get involve,etc etc etc

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