Monday 5 January 2009

Trading at home.

Took a day off yesterday and with only one meeting this afternoon i decided not going to Highgate, and playing in-running at home with ATR instead. i mainly focused on the place market cause as you all know Atr picture is light year behind SiS. i managed to make a small profit largely due to backing kings topic to get placed during in running.
Kings topic was making the running at a slow pace early, However, as all other horses dashed past him before the home turn, (they went for home too hard and too soon, imo) So instead of laying Kings Topic like most players did, i backed him to get placed, Luckily, the horse stayed on to past other horses to get up for the second :-). i probably would had won a lot more if i had fast picture. nevertheless, i got a lot of satisfaction out of it by reading the race correctly !!

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